
A client in js for PolicyServer1

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import policyClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/policy-client';



A client in js for PolicyServer1


npm install --save policy-client


Posc is a javascript library that manage client interaction with a Policy Server. The user need to have a user token from something like a OpenID server.


The PolicyManager is there to receive all permission from the server.

Required settings

  • authority (string): The URL of the PolicyServer provider.
  • clientId (string): Your client application's idenfier. Need to be the same as the token.
  • requireHttpsMetadata (boolean, default: true): Does the provider need to have an https connection.

The PolicyServer need to accept request with CORS settings.

var config = {
    authority: "http://localhost:5002",
    clientId: 'spa',
    requireHttpsMetadata: false

var mgr = new Posc.PolicyManager(config);


  • setToken: set the current token
  • removeToken: remove the current token
  • getPolicy: get the current policy
  • removePolicy: remove the current policy
  • getPermssionEndpoint: find the permission endpoint


The permission object return from the endpoint should look like this :`

export interface Permission {
    issuer: string;
    clientId: string;
    expireIn: number;
    created?: number;
    policyHash: string;
    lastPolicyChangeDate: Date;
    roles: string[];
    permissions: string[];

Get Policy

When you want to get a policy for the current logged user you can use this logic :

mgr.getPolicy().then(p => {
    console.log('this is the policy', p);