
Lightweight Polldozer client to create and vote on polls with Polldozer API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polldozer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polldozer';



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Lightweight Polldozer client to create and vote on polls with Polldozer API


$ npm install --save polldozer

Usage polldozer/vote

Renders a poll with "vote" or "analysis" layout based on the current state of the user (voted: yes / no) and the poll (expired: yes / no).

Below is a example of usage:

<div id="vote" data-poll-id="POLL_ID"></div>
var PolldozerVote = require('polldozer/vote');
var corsRequestFn = function(options) {
  var ajax = function(url, type, data) {
    return $.ajax({
      url: url,
      type: type,
      crossDomain: true,
      contentType: data ? 'application/json; charset=utf-8' : undefined,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : void 0,
      success: options.onSuccess,
      error: options.onFailure,
      complete: options.onComplete
  return {
    get: function(url) {
      return ajax(url, 'GET');
    post: function(url, data) {
      return ajax(url, 'POST', data);

new PolldozerVote({
  element: document.getElementById('vote'),
  apiUrl: 'https://polldozer.herokuapp.com/', // please host your own, this is a slow free tier heroku app
  corsRequestFn: corsRequestFn


new Instance(options)


type: Element
default: undefined
Element that will be used to render the poll


type: Function
default: undefined
A function that returns a object with get and post methods to handle ajax calls. See jQuery example from above.


type: String
default: undefined
URL to Polldozer API

pollData (optional)

type: PlainObject
default: undefined
Bootstraped poll object

locale (optional)

type: String
default: 'en'
de also supported

onVote(poll) (optional)

type: Function
default: undefined
Callback function that is called after a successful vote

Usage polldozer/create

Renders, validates and submits a poll create form.

Below is a example of usage:

<div id="poll_form"></div>
var PolldozerVote = require('polldozer/create');
var corsRequestFn = function(options) {
  var ajax = function(url, type, data) {
    return $.ajax({
      url: url,
      type: type,
      crossDomain: true,
      contentType: data ? 'application/json; charset=utf-8' : undefined,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : void 0,
      success: options.onSuccess,
      error: options.onFailure,
      complete: options.onComplete
  return {
    get: function(url) {
      return ajax(url, 'GET');
    post: function(url, data) {
      return ajax(url, 'POST', data);

new PolldozerCreate({
  element: document.getElementById('poll_form'),
  apiUrl: 'https://polldozer.herokuapp.com/', // please host your own, this is a slow free tier heroku app
  corsRequestFn: corsRequestFn,
  onCreate: function(poll) {


new Instance(options)


type: Element
default: undefined
Element that will be used to render the poll


type: Function
default: undefined
A function that returns a object with get and post methods to handle ajax calls. See jQuery example from above.


type: String
default: undefined
URL to Polldozer API

locale (optional)

type: String
default: 'en'
de also supported

onCreate(poll) (optional)

type: Function
default: undefined
Callback function that is called after a poll was created successfully

pollData (optional)

type: PlainObject
default: undefined
Poll object that will be used to populate the input field with it's values


SASS required. To provide basic styling and display logic add stylesheets with:

@import './node_modules/polldozer/stylesheets/create.scss';
@import './node_modules/polldozer/stylesheets/vote.scss';

/* or include it with the ~ syntax if you are building with webpack and sass-loader */
@import '~polldozer/stylesheets/create.scss';
@import '~polldozer/stylesheets/vote.scss';