
poll condition till its true then resolve or reject if it never gets true

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pollingForAttention from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polling-for-attention';


Polling for attention

Polls a given condition till its true or times out. Resolves or rejects based on condition being successfully being resolved or not.

how do i use it?

As polling-for-attention is UMD you can either require it or load it directly into your browser


import poll from 'polling-for-attention';

poll(function someFunction(){/*...*/}).then(resolve, reject).catch(onPeng);

global in browser

<script src="some/path/to/pfa.js"></script>
poll(function someFunction(){/*...*/}).then(resolve, reject).catch(onPeng);


Next to the first paramter condition which has to be a function that returns a boolean (booleanish) value you can specify interval and timeout


the second param is by default 20 which means 20 milliseconds and states how often the condition is called in order to check if the condition is true by now.


the third parameter timeout specifies when the polling stops checking for a truthy value. By default this is set to 20 seconds or 20000 milliseconds.

If you want to polling to be infinite either pass Infinity or a falsy value like 0, false or null (undefined wont work).