
Get a quick political update for the 2016 election without leaving the Command Line

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polls from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polls';


Get a quick political update for the 2016 presidential candidates without leaving the Command Line

I know what you're thinking: ‘wouldn’t it be great to check current poll %s of presidential candidates right from the command line’ - well with polls.js now you can.

Built on top of HuffPost's Pollster API and caseypt's node-pollster npm wrapper: ['http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/api', 'https://github.com/caseypt/node-pollster']


$ npm install polls -g


$ polls

# displays both parties rankings
$ polls dem

# Clinton: 58.8%
# Sanders: 28.2%
# O'Malley: 2.4%
# Undecided: 7.4%
# Other: 2.4%
$ polls gop

# Trump: 36.7%
# Cruz: 17.7%
# Rubio: 10.9%
# Carson: 8.3%
# Bush: 5.6%
# Christie: 4.2%
# Fiorina: 2.9%
# Rand Paul: 2.3%
# Huckabee: 2.1%
# Kasich: 2.1%
# Graham: 0.6%
# Santorum: 0.6%
# Pataki: 0.2%
# Undecided: 5.9%
# Other: 0.8%