
Scripts to htmls for HTMLImports

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polyFiller from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poly-filler';



Generates scripts to html files for link[rel="import"] compatability Originally created to generate the polyfills for WebComponents & specifically for a modernized web-app environment

Note: For more information on WebComponents start here).

Important: If you are already familiar with Web Components make sure you modify the generator to fit your needs.


  1. Install poly-filler
npm i poly-filler
  1. Create a configuration
const polyfiller = require('poly-filler')
polyfiller.config(POLYFILLER_CONFIG) // Saved Config
polyfiller.test(POLYFILLER_CONFIG) // Tests Config
polyfiller.run(POLYFILLER_CONFIG) // Runs a Config
  1. Run poly-filler
const polyfiller = require('poly-filler')
  .run() // => pollyfillerRunner
  //to save
  .save() // => Promise.then((res)=>{ console.log(res)}).catch(console.error)
  //or to check it out
  .get() // => Promise.then((blocks)=>{ console.log(blocks)})


If you run into problems - keep in mind the package will require permission to create the directory & files. If you dont specify these options - output defaults to the package's "imports" directory.d

Polyfills included only as Guide/Starter Pack

Included Polyfills:

customElement: CustomElementsV1 polyfill for defining/registering custom html elements. Source: package (info)

Shadow DOM: Sourced from webcomponentsjs - provides encapsulation by hiding DOM subtrees under shadow roots (spec).

Proxy: A polyfill for the Proxy object, part of ES6. See the MDN docs or Introducing ES2015 Proxies for more information on Proxy itself. Source: (package);

fetch: Method for HTTP requests using a Promises (package);

Promise: Required by fetch - For API information about Promises, please check out this article HTML5Rocks article. Source: package