
Modules for end to end app development. Build with Polymer, React, ES6 / ES.Next Code and TypeScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polyNext from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poly-next';



Modularize your entire app developement. Build with Polymer, React, ES6/ES.Next Code and TypeScript.

This project is about modules and using them build your app from end to end.

Quick Start

Use with single module from command line like:

npm install -g poly-next

# then using this repos example
git clone https://github.com/jrmerz/poly-next
cd poly-next/example

poly-next -r app -m elements -t

Please see /example directory for example project layout.

Separation of Concerns

I'm a big fan of Polymer but I want to re-use as much code as possible, have no business logic wrapped up in web components, be able to use standard mocha/chai to test my code (as much as possible) without involving the browser.

How this project works

You write modules. Modules for your client, modules for your server, modules for both. If you need a UI component, you can write Polymer or React. For Polymer, you also include a .html file with the <dom-module /> template (No JS). You can write both ES6 JS and JSX code as all code will go through Browserify + Babel + React + Typescript compile (optional). The server (middleware see poly-next-core) will pre-bundle your code into a single (virtual) html imports file with source maps. So all will look as you wrote it on your desktop in the browser. When you are ready, you can dump the imports file to your /dist dir.


You just need to set

  • The root of the webapp
  • The root of your code to crawl

Default Config

    root : path.join(process.cwd(), 'app'),
    port : 8080,
    modules : [],
    servePolyfill : true,
    browserify : {
        debug: true
    typescript : true, // use typescript compile
    tsify : { // only required if above flag is true
        target: 'es6',
        emitDecoratorMetadata : true,
        removeComments : false,
        noImplicitAny : true,
        experimentalDecorators : true,
    babel : {
        presets : ['es2015', 'react'],
        extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx' ]

Sample Config

    root : '/path/to/app/root/public',
    port : 8080,
    servePolyfill : true,
    modules : [{
        urlpath : 'elements',
        name : 'bundled_index'
    typescript : false,
    browserify : {
        debug: true
    babel : {
        presets : ['es2015', 'react']

The above sample will server http://localhost:8080/ and provide a html imports file @ http://localhost:8080/elements/bundled_index.html


While servePolyfill=true, the webcomponent polyfills will be served from:

  • /webcomponentsjs/full.js
  • /webcomponentsjs/lite.js
  • /webcomponentsjs/micro.js


Checkout the poly-next-core

Command Line Help

poly-next -h

Final Bit

This project is a thought experiment. Please feel free to add yours.