
browser feature database

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polyfillsDb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polyfills-db';


polyfills db

NPM version Build status Test coverage Dependency Status License Downloads Gittip

A database for various polyfills that includes:

  • Which browsers support a feature
  • Associated modules or files for each feature

Types of polyfills:

Testing on Browsers

Of course, we want to actually test each bundle on a browser. Right now, tests are in paas, so everytime you add a polyfill, checkout paas and see if hitting GET /test.html works in all your browsers. CI testing is coming!

Help Maintaining

Most updates are currently done manually. Please help add polyfills and update the relevant versions. Some helpful resources are:


regenerator includes es7-async-fn. If you use regenerator, be sure to not use es7-async-fn, or at least the runtime.