
Mocha reporter which displays TAP or Spec output and generates xunit XML file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polyglotXunitFile from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polyglot-xunit-file';



Mocha test reporter. Displays 'TAP' or 'Spec' reporter output to stdout and generates a xunit XML file in background.

Based upon spec-xunit-file reporter

How to use

  1. Install polyglot-xunit-file
> npm install --save-dev polyglot-xunit-file
  1. If using mocha cli with use the -R or --reporter option
> mocha -R polyglot-xunit-file


> mocha --reporter polyglot-xunit-file


The xunit output file is saved by default in a file called xunit.xml in the current directory i.e. process.cwd()/xunit.xml

To override this file or location use the XUNIT_FILE environment varrible

> XUNIT_FILE=output/xunit.xml mocha -R xunit-file

Set LOG_XUNIT environment variable, if you want the output in the console and xml file.

> LOG_XUNIT=true mocha -R xunit-file


This reporter is based on spec-xunit-file which in-turn based on xunit-file which in-turn based on the original xunit reporter from mocha only writing the result in an xml file.