Cut a polygon to a bounding box
Similar to but without the apparent bug(s), and with only closed path (polygon) support.
Turns out this is a pretty hard problem, perhaps mostly due to the discrete nature of computing.
Thus powered by the impressive and widely ported clipper-lib , which will do much more for you than crop polygons, if you so desire. Its interface is slightly more difficult to use, namely it only supports integer coordinates, including integers that far surpass Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
with a ~2X performance hit. polygon-crop
keeps everything inside the fast performance range, well under Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
yarn add polygon-crop
const polygonCrop = require('polygon-crop');
const subPolygons = polygonCrop(
[[x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2]/* , ... */],
[cropLeft, cropTop, cropRight, cropBottom]