
polylock (multiple resource locking)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polylock from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polylock';


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Resource locking is not often a subject with Javascript/NodeJS, because it is largely a single process asynchronous world. However async operations can give rise to the same problems as threads, because all objects within the scope of two or more async functions represent, in effect, shared data.

Polylock is a resource locking library that allows operations to block/wait until the requested locks are granted, allowing critical sections to be made safe.


  1. Promises example.
  2. Async/await example.
  3. Callback example.
  4. Resource contention.

Promises example

A 'resource' is just a name, and can be read locked (shared), or write locked (exclusive).

The basic formula for running a critical section to run, after locks are granted is as follows:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();

    .then((release) => {
        // critical section here

Here locks is an object where the keys are resource names and the values are read or write. So {'foo': 'read', 'bar': 'write'} would mean that a read lock on "foo" and a write lock on "bar" must be granted, and wait returns a promise which resolves when the locks are granted. It's then certified that nothing will change "foo" and nothing will even look at "bar" in the critical section until release() is called, which releases the locks.

A simple illustration of this is promises_hello.js where three async operations are created (A, B and C) each artificially made to take 2 seconds by way of setTimeout. Each async operation requires a write lock on "resource_a" so they each have to take it in turns to run:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();
let start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();

console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting A`);
    .wait({'resource_a': 'write'})
    .then((release) => {
        console.log(`${new Date()}  begin A`);
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
        }).then(() => {
            console.log(`${new Date()}  end A`);

console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting B`);
    .wait({'resource_a': 'write'})
    .then((release) => {
        console.log(`${new Date()}  begin B`);
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
        }).then(() => {
            console.log(`${new Date()}  end B`);

console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting C`);
    .wait({'resource_a': 'write'})
    .then((release) => {
        console.log(`${new Date()}  begin C`);
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
        }).then(() => {
            console.log(`${new Date()}  end C`);

The result is something like (each operation can only begin when another one releases its locks):

Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:30 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:30 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting B
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:30 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting C
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:30 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:32 GMT+0100 (BST)  end A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:32 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin B
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:34 GMT+0100 (BST)  end B
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:34 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin C
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:40:36 GMT+0100 (BST)  end C

A more extensive example with read and write locks on different resources is promises_more.js. The critical_section function is again a time delay time delay using setTimeout, this time random 1-2 seconds. The contended function waits for the required locks and then calls critical_section. A ts function returns the number of milliseconds since the start, so we can see more clearly what's going on. Finally, a set of results for six contended operations, with various different locks required for each, is accumulated, and when they are all complete the results are displayed:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();
let start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();

let results = Promise.all([
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_1'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_2'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_3'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_c': 'write'}, 'A_read_C_write_4'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_d': 'write'}, 'A_read_D_write_5'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'write', 'resource_e': 'read' }, 'A_write_E_read_6'),
]).then((results) => {

function contended (locks, descr) {
    console.log(`${ts()}\tWAIT\t${descr}\twaiting for locks`);
    return resource_manager
        .then((release) => {
            console.log(`${ts()}\tGRANT\t${descr}\tlocks granted, starting critical section`);
            return critical_section(descr)
                .then((retval) => {
                    console.log(`${ts()}\tRELEASE\t${descr}\tlocks granted, starting critical section`);
                    return retval;

function critical_section (descr) {
    console.log(`${ts()}\tBEGIN\t${descr}\tstarting async operation`);
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
            function () {
                resolve(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)),
                console.log(`${ts()}\tCOMMIT\t${descr}\tfinished async operation`);
            1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
    }).then((retval) => {
        return {
            'operation': descr,
            'result':    retval,

function ts () {
    return `${(new Date()).getTime() - start_ms}ms`;

If you run this, the result is as follows (timings will vary of course):

0ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_1        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_2        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_3        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_C_write_4        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_D_write_5        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_write_E_read_6        waiting for locks
3ms     GRANT   A_read_B_write_1        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_B_write_1        starting async operation
3ms     GRANT   A_read_C_write_4        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_C_write_4        starting async operation
3ms     GRANT   A_read_D_write_5        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_D_write_5        starting async operation
1417ms  COMMIT  A_read_C_write_4        finished async operation
1417ms  RELEASE A_read_C_write_4        critical section done, releasing locks
1691ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_1        finished async operation
1691ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_1        critical section done, releasing locks
1691ms  GRANT   A_read_B_write_2        locks granted, starting critical section
1691ms  BEGIN   A_read_B_write_2        starting async operation
1970ms  COMMIT  A_read_D_write_5        finished async operation
1970ms  RELEASE A_read_D_write_5        critical section done, releasing locks
3352ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_2        finished async operation
3352ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_2        critical section done, releasing locks
3353ms  GRANT   A_read_B_write_3        locks granted, starting critical section
3353ms  BEGIN   A_read_B_write_3        starting async operation
4959ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_3        finished async operation
4959ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_3        critical section done, releasing locks
4959ms  GRANT   A_write_E_read_6        locks granted, starting critical section
4959ms  BEGIN   A_write_E_read_6        starting async operation
6306ms  COMMIT  A_write_E_read_6        finished async operation
6306ms  RELEASE A_write_E_read_6        critical section done, releasing locks
[ { operation: 'A_read_B_write_1', result: 73 },
  { operation: 'A_read_B_write_2', result: 54 },
  { operation: 'A_read_B_write_3', result: 7 },
  { operation: 'A_read_C_write_4', result: 49 },
  { operation: 'A_read_D_write_5', result: 58 },
  { operation: 'A_write_E_read_6', result: 31 } ]

This clearly demonstrates the lock contention; all six operations immediately begin waiting for locks, and operations A_read_B_write_1, A_read_C_write_4 and A_read_D_write_5 immediately get their locks granted.

Operation A_read_B_write_1 gets a grant simply because it was first, and that means A_read_B_write_2 and A_read_B_write_3 can't be granted locks because they both want a write lock on resource_b, which is why A_read_C_write_4 and A_read_D_write_5 are next, since the only lock in common with A_read_B_write_1 is a read lock on resource_a and read locks aren't exclusive.

In this example A_read_C_write_4 finishes next, which allows no other operation to have locks granted. Then A_read_B_write_1 finishes, which was holding the write lock on resource_b, so A_read_B_write_2 is immediately granted locks when this happens.

Next A_read_D_write_5 finishes, then A_read_B_write_2, which allows A_read_B_write_3 to proceed (which was blocked waiting for a write lock on resource_b).

Finally when A_read_B_write_3 finishes A_write_E_read_6 can get a look in, after being blocked the whole time waiting for a write lock on resource_a which has been tied up by every other operation getting read locks on it.

This example is run in the unit tests, but with shorter timeouts (100ms to 200ms instead of 1s to 2s).

Async/await example

A 'resource' is just a name, and can be read locked (shared), or write locked (exclusive).

The basic formula for running a critical section to run, after locks are granted is as follows:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();

let release = resource_manager.wait(locks);
// critical section here

Here locks is an object where the keys are resource names and the values are read or write. So {'foo': 'read', 'bar': 'write'} would mean that a read lock on "foo" and a write lock on "bar" must be granted, and wait returns a promise which resolves when the locks are granted. It's then certified that nothing will change "foo" and nothing will even look at "bar" in the critical section until release() is called, which releases the locks.

A simple illustration of this is asyncawait_hello.js where three async operations are created (A, B and C) each artificially made to take 2 seconds by way of setTimeout. Each async operation requires a write lock on "resource_a" so they each have to take it in turns to run:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();
let start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();

async function contend (op) {
    console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting ${op}`);
    let release = await resource_manager.wait({'resource_a': 'write'});
    console.log(`${new Date()}  begin A`);
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
    console.log(`${new Date()}  end A`);


The result is something like (each operation can only begin when another one releases its locks):

Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:13 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:13 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting B
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:13 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting C
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:13 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:15 GMT+0100 (BST)  end A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:15 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:17 GMT+0100 (BST)  end A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:17 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin A
Sat Aug 03 2019 13:57:19 GMT+0100 (BST)  end A

A more extensive example with read and write locks on different resources is asyncawait_more.js. The critical_section function is again a time delay time delay using setTimeout, this time random 1-2 seconds. The contended function waits for the required locks and then calls critical_section. A ts function returns the number of milliseconds since the start, so we can see more clearly what's going on. Finally, a set of results for six contended operations, with various different locks required for each, is accumulated, and when they are all complete the results are displayed:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();
let start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();

let results = Promise.all([
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_1'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_2'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_3'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_c': 'write'}, 'A_read_C_write_4'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_d': 'write'}, 'A_read_D_write_5'),
    contended({'resource_a': 'write', 'resource_e': 'read' }, 'A_write_E_read_6'),
]).then((results) => {

async function contended (locks, descr) {
    console.log(`${ts()}\tWAIT\t${descr}\twaiting for locks`);
    let release = await resource_manager.wait(locks);
    console.log(`${ts()}\tGRANT\t${descr}\tlocks granted, starting critical section`);
    let result = await critical_section(descr);
    console.log(`${ts()}\tRELEASE\t${descr}\tlocks granted, starting critical section`);
    return result;

async function critical_section (descr) {
    console.log(`${ts()}\tBEGIN\t${descr}\tstarting async operation`);
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)));
    console.log(`${ts()}\tCOMMIT\t${descr}\tfinished async operation`);
    return {
        'operation': descr,
        'result':    Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),

function ts () {
    return `${(new Date()).getTime() - start_ms}ms`;

If you run this, the result is as follows (timings will vary of course):

0ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_1        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_2        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_3        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_C_write_4        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_D_write_5        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_write_E_read_6        waiting for locks
3ms     GRANT   A_read_B_write_1        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_B_write_1        starting async operation
3ms     GRANT   A_read_C_write_4        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_C_write_4        starting async operation
3ms     GRANT   A_read_D_write_5        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_D_write_5        starting async operation
1417ms  COMMIT  A_read_C_write_4        finished async operation
1417ms  RELEASE A_read_C_write_4        critical section done, releasing locks
1691ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_1        finished async operation
1691ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_1        critical section done, releasing locks
1691ms  GRANT   A_read_B_write_2        locks granted, starting critical section
1691ms  BEGIN   A_read_B_write_2        starting async operation
1970ms  COMMIT  A_read_D_write_5        finished async operation
1970ms  RELEASE A_read_D_write_5        critical section done, releasing locks
3352ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_2        finished async operation
3352ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_2        critical section done, releasing locks
3353ms  GRANT   A_read_B_write_3        locks granted, starting critical section
3353ms  BEGIN   A_read_B_write_3        starting async operation
4959ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_3        finished async operation
4959ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_3        critical section done, releasing locks
4959ms  GRANT   A_write_E_read_6        locks granted, starting critical section
4959ms  BEGIN   A_write_E_read_6        starting async operation
6306ms  COMMIT  A_write_E_read_6        finished async operation
6306ms  RELEASE A_write_E_read_6        critical section done, releasing locks
[ { operation: 'A_read_B_write_1', result: 73 },
  { operation: 'A_read_B_write_2', result: 54 },
  { operation: 'A_read_B_write_3', result: 7 },
  { operation: 'A_read_C_write_4', result: 49 },
  { operation: 'A_read_D_write_5', result: 58 },
  { operation: 'A_write_E_read_6', result: 31 } ]

This clearly demonstrates the lock contention; all six operations immediately begin waiting for locks, and operations A_read_B_write_1, A_read_C_write_4 and A_read_D_write_5 immediately get their locks granted.

Operation A_read_B_write_1 gets a grant simply because it was first, and that means A_read_B_write_2 and A_read_B_write_3 can't be granted locks because they both want a write lock on resource_b, which is why A_read_C_write_4 and A_read_D_write_5 are next, since the only lock in common with A_read_B_write_1 is a read lock on resource_a and read locks aren't exclusive.

In this example A_read_C_write_4 finishes next, which allows no other operation to have locks granted. Then A_read_B_write_1 finishes, which was holding the write lock on resource_b, so A_read_B_write_2 is immediately granted locks when this happens.

Next A_read_D_write_5 finishes, then A_read_B_write_2, which allows A_read_B_write_3 to proceed (which was blocked waiting for a write lock on resource_b).

Finally when A_read_B_write_3 finishes A_write_E_read_6 can get a look in, after being blocked the whole time waiting for a write lock on resource_a which has been tied up by every other operation getting read locks on it.

This example is run in the unit tests, but with shorter timeouts (100ms to 200ms instead of 1s to 2s).

Callback example

A 'resource' is just a name, and can be read locked (shared), or write locked (exclusive).

The basic formula for running a critical section to run, after locks are granted is as follows:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();

let release = resource_manager.exec(callback, locks);

function callback () {
    // critical section in this function

Here locks is an object where the keys are resource names and the values are read or write. So {'foo': 'read', 'bar': 'write'} would mean that a read lock on "foo" and a write lock on "bar" must be granted, and callback is a function which is called when the locks are granted. It's then certified that nothing will change "foo" and nothing will even look at "bar" until callback returns. Unlike the promises based formats, no release function is required because the locks are released when the callback function returns.

A simple illustration of this is callback_hello.js where three async operations are created (A, B and C) each artificially made to take 2 seconds by way of setTimeout. Each async operation requires a write lock on "resource_a" so they each have to take it in turns to run:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();
let start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();

console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting A`);
    function (done, fail) {
        console.log(`${new Date()}  begin A`);
        setTimeout(function () {
            console.log(`${new Date()}  end A`);
        }, 2000);
    {'resource_a': 'write'}

console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting B`);
    function (done, fail) {
        console.log(`${new Date()}  begin B`);
        setTimeout(function () {
            console.log(`${new Date()}  end B`);
        }, 2000);
    {'resource_a': 'write'}

console.log(`${new Date()}  waiting C`);
    function (done, fail) {
        console.log(`${new Date()}  begin C`);
        setTimeout(function () {
            console.log(`${new Date()}  end C`);
        }, 2000);
    {'resource_a': 'write'}

The result is something like (each operation can only begin when another one releases its locks):

Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:03 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting A
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:03 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin A
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:03 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting B
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:03 GMT+0100 (BST)  waiting C
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:05 GMT+0100 (BST)  end A
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:05 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin B
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:07 GMT+0100 (BST)  end B
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:07 GMT+0100 (BST)  begin C
Sat Aug 03 2019 14:14:09 GMT+0100 (BST)  end C

A more extensive example with read and write locks on different resources is asyncawait_more.js. The critical_section function is again a time delay time delay using setTimeout, this time random 1-2 seconds. The contended function waits for the required locks and then calls critical_section. A ts function returns the number of milliseconds since the start, so we can see more clearly what's going on. Finally, a set of results for six contended operations, with various different locks required for each, is accumulated, and when they are all complete the results are displayed:

const polylock = require('polylock');
let resource_manager = new polylock();
let start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();

contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_1');
contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_2');
contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_b': 'write'}, 'A_read_B_write_3');
contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_c': 'write'}, 'A_read_C_write_4');
contended({'resource_a': 'read',  'resource_d': 'write'}, 'A_read_D_write_5');
contended({'resource_a': 'write', 'resource_e': 'read' }, 'A_write_E_read_6');

function contended (locks, descr) {
    console.log(`${ts()}\tWAIT\t${descr}\twaiting for locks`);
    return resource_manager.exec(critical_section.bind(undefined, descr), locks);

function critical_section (descr, done, fail) {
    console.log(`${ts()}\tGRANT\t${descr}\tlocks granted, starting critical section`);
    console.log(`${ts()}\tBEGIN\t${descr}\tstarting async operation`);
        function () {
            console.log(`${ts()}\tCOMMIT\t${descr}\tfinished async operation`);
                'operation': descr,
                'result':    Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
            console.log(`${ts()}\tRELEASE\t${descr}\treturning, locks will be released`);
        1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)

function ts () {
    return `${(new Date()).getTime() - start_ms}ms`;

Unlike the promise versions, the result set is not accumulated because there is no return chain as such, though, if you want you can employ a hybrid to get a return value, because exec actually does return a promise which is resolved to the value that that callback passes to done.

Running this, the result is as follows (timings will vary of course):

0ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_1        waiting for locks
2ms     GRANT   A_read_B_write_1        locks granted, starting critical section
2ms     BEGIN   A_read_B_write_1        starting async operation
2ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_2        waiting for locks
2ms     WAIT    A_read_B_write_3        waiting for locks
3ms     WAIT    A_read_C_write_4        waiting for locks
3ms     GRANT   A_read_C_write_4        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_C_write_4        starting async operation
3ms     WAIT    A_read_D_write_5        waiting for locks
3ms     GRANT   A_read_D_write_5        locks granted, starting critical section
3ms     BEGIN   A_read_D_write_5        starting async operation
3ms     WAIT    A_write_E_read_6        waiting for locks
1501ms  COMMIT  A_read_C_write_4        finished async operation
{ operation: 'A_read_C_write_4', result: 64 }
1504ms  RELEASE A_read_C_write_4        returning, locks will be released
1625ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_1        finished async operation
{ operation: 'A_read_B_write_1', result: 79 }
1625ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_1        returning, locks will be released
1625ms  GRANT   A_read_B_write_2        locks granted, starting critical section
1625ms  BEGIN   A_read_B_write_2        starting async operation
1839ms  COMMIT  A_read_D_write_5        finished async operation
{ operation: 'A_read_D_write_5', result: 23 }
1840ms  RELEASE A_read_D_write_5        returning, locks will be released
3626ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_2        finished async operation
{ operation: 'A_read_B_write_2', result: 34 }
3626ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_2        returning, locks will be released
3626ms  GRANT   A_read_B_write_3        locks granted, starting critical section
3626ms  BEGIN   A_read_B_write_3        starting async operation
4843ms  COMMIT  A_read_B_write_3        finished async operation
{ operation: 'A_read_B_write_3', result: 84 }
4843ms  RELEASE A_read_B_write_3        returning, locks will be released
4844ms  GRANT   A_write_E_read_6        locks granted, starting critical section
4844ms  BEGIN   A_write_E_read_6        starting async operation
6109ms  COMMIT  A_write_E_read_6        finished async operation
{ operation: 'A_write_E_read_6', result: 85 }
6109ms  RELEASE A_write_E_read_6        returning, locks will be released

This clearly demonstrates the lock contention; all six operations immediately begin waiting for locks, and operations A_read_B_write_1, A_read_C_write_4 and A_read_D_write_5 immediately get their locks granted.

Operation A_read_B_write_1 gets a grant simply because it was first, and that means A_read_B_write_2 and A_read_B_write_3 can't be granted locks because they both want a write lock on resource_b, which is why A_read_C_write_4 and A_read_D_write_5 are next, since the only lock in common with A_read_B_write_1 is a read lock on resource_a and read locks aren't exclusive.

In this example A_read_C_write_4 finishes next, which allows no other operation to have locks granted. Then A_read_B_write_1 finishes, which was holding the write lock on resource_b, so A_read_B_write_2 is immediately granted locks when this happens.

Next A_read_D_write_5 finishes, then A_read_B_write_2, which allows A_read_B_write_3 to proceed (which was blocked waiting for a write lock on resource_b).

Finally when A_read_B_write_3 finishes A_write_E_read_6 can get a look in, after being blocked the whole time waiting for a write lock on resource_a which has been tied up by every other operation getting read locks on it.

This example is run in the unit tests, but with shorter timeouts (100ms to 200ms instead of 1s to 2s).

If your operation is purely synchronous (indicated by accepting no arguments) it can return the result instead of calling done, like this:

    function () {
        // locks have been granted
        console.log("starting operation");
        console.log("finishing operation");
        return retval;
        // locks are released
    {'resource_a': 'read', 'resource_b': 'write'}

Resource contention

There is no limit to the number of resources that may be locked at once, though more resources all contended may make lock grants more difficult and operations that require a lot of locks on many different resources may wait longer whilst they are kept out by many other less greedy operations claiming locks in a continuous overlapping stream.

Write locks are especially vulnerable to being locked out since they must wait for there to be no read locks on any of the resources they are writing. For this reason there is a 'write priority' mode which may be enabled like this:

let resource_manager = new polylock({'write_priority': true});

When enabled, once a write lock on a resource has been requested no more read locks will be granted on it, thus existing operations with read locks will gradually complete and the write lock may then be granted at the earliest possible time.

This will of course increase the average wait time for read locks but in some cases this will only be a slight increase in return for a (sometimes) huge improvement in write latency.

The unit tests create scenarios to test this; tests/compound.js runs 800 operations which randomly lock three resources read and write for various times, here's a (currently) typical result:

INFO LOG: '800 ops read priority 58 max concurrent 9ms average read wait 324ms average write wait'
INFO LOG: '800 ops read priority 59 max concurrent 9ms average read wait 324ms average write wait'
INFO LOG: '800 ops write priority 37 max concurrent 10ms average read wait 48ms average write wait'

Here read operation wait times go from 9ms to 10ms but write operation wait times are almost seven times smaller. The load is random so results will vary each time but more or less inevitably in this case read wait times will increase and write wait times will decrease.

The 'max concurrent' figure is the maximum number of operations running in parallel during the test, and sometimes write priority results in higher peaks, sometimes lower.