
Static analysis for the web in your text editor!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polymerEditorService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polymer-editor-service';



Static analysis for web components in your text editor of choice!

Editor plugins

These editor plugins use the editor service:

More Information

The Editor Service exposes the power of the analyzer as a standalone service for text editor integration.

Supporting a new editor.

As long as the editor supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP), it should be easy to get it to work with the polymer editor service. When the editor service is installed via npm it exposes a binary named polymer-editor-service.

This binary speaks the LSP over stdin/stdout.

If you have an editor that supports LSP, or a plugin that adds LSP support, you can configure it to use the Editor Service. You'll typically just need to configure it with:

  • The path to the polymer-editor-service binary.
  • A list of file types that that the service supports (in this case, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON files).

See the wiki page for sublime text support for an example: https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-editor-service/wiki/Sublime-Text

There are also several ways to configure logging, which is very helpful when hooking up an editor for the first time. The simplest is to pass in --logToFile PES.txt when starting the editor service, but it also supports configuring logging at runtime. Logging can also be configured at runtime, see below for more info.

Configuration options

The editor service supports the following configuration options, via the workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification. These configuration options should be exposed to the user through the client's configuration interface.

All options are optional, and they're within the polymer-ide namespace. So an example of valid params to workspace/didChangeConfiguration would be:

  "settings": {
    "polymer-ide": {
      "analyzeWholePackage": true,
      "fixOnSave": true


default: false

When true, warnings will be reported for all files in the package, not just those that are open. Not recommended for larger projects until https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-analyzer/issues/782 is resolved.


default: false

When true, we will report the number of references at the definitions of symbols as Code Lenses. Note that this will have a performance impact similar to analyzeWholePackage.


default: false

When true, all warnings that can be safely and automatically fixed will be fixed on save.

This requires the client to support the textDocument/synchronization/willSaveWaitUntil and workspace/applyEdit capabilities.


default: false

When true, will send debug logs to the client via window/logMessage notifications. The debug logs have information on performance and file synchronization, among other info.


default value: null

When set, will write debug logs to the file at this path. The debug logs have information on performance and file synchronization, among other info.