
Polymer as proper dependency

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polymerJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polymer-js';


Polymer as proper JavaScript dependency

Unfortunately Polymer comes only as HTML source, so to properly Polymer you need to generate the polymer.js yourself. Instead of just exposing a global, this package gives you a CommonJS module!

Use your favorite JS dependency manager to install it

jspm i github:greenify/polymer-js


bower install polymer-js
npm install polymer-js


This is an unofficial fork, it might be not updates as regularly. I would be very happy if the Polymer team includes a Polymer.js into their build toolchain.


Basically this small script concatenates polymer-micro, polymer-mini and polymer. Afterwards it strips <script> tags, HTML comments and included <link> for HTML Imports.