
A sqlite data source for polymod.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polymodSqlite from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polymod-sqlite';



Build Status

A library to support SQLite data sources in Polymod.


npm install --save polymod polymod-sqlite


MIT License


This library implements the specifications for Sources in Polymod. Additional information about using Sources in Polymod can be found in the Polymod documentation.


const { SqliteSource, SqliteStore } = require('polymod-sqlite')

const store = new SqliteStore()
const source = new SqliteSource(store, 'posts')


By default the SqliteStore constructor will create an anonymous in-memory SQLite database. Additionally, an anonymous disk-based database can be created by passing an empty string to the constructor. A filename can be specified to create a database that is persisted to a file.

const { SqliteStore } = require('polymod-sqlite')

const inMemoryStore = new SqliteStore()
const anonymousStore = new SqliteStore('')
const fileStore = new SqliteStore('foo.sqlite')

The node-sqlite instance used by the SqliteStore is exposed as the db property on instances of the store. This allows SQL statements to be executed directly on the database if needed.

const data = await store.db.all('SELECT * FROM [posts]')