Pom Dependency Analyzer
This is a command line tool that parses the dot
output of mvn dependency:tree
and manages a set of json
-files with its findings. The output can be used with Pom Dependency Analyzer Web to create a browsable webpage.
Intended to be used to identify, not only dependencies of an artifact, but also its dependants. Something that is often a problem when automating build processes.
You may try this on a public repository but be careful! Is is very likely a violation of its terms of service. See:
Example (change to whatever pom-file you want to examine):
POM_FILE=~/.m2/repository/se/bjurr/violations/violations-maven-plugin/1.19/violations-maven-plugin-1.19.pom \
&& mvn dependency:tree -DoutputType=dot -Doutput=$ -f $POM_FILE \
&& npx pom-dependency-analyzer -d $ -sf metadata/folder
You can also run with java: java -jar pom-dependency-analyzer-*.jar -d $
Or all pom
:s in a specific folder:
find ~/.m2/repository/se/bjurr -type f -name "*.pom" \
| xargs -I % sh -c '([ ! -e ] || grep -Fq "\-SNAPSHOT" %) \
&& mvn dependency:tree -DoutputType=dot -f % \
&& npx pom-dependency-analyzer -d -sf metadata/folder \
&& echo $(find ~/.m2 -name "*" | wc -l)/$(find ~/.m2 -name "*.pom" | wc -l)\
|| echo Skipping: %'
You may use Pom Downloader to download pom-files.
You may use Pom Dependency Analyzer Web to create a browsable webpage, and REST API, from this output.
-ci, --create-image <boolean> Create an image showing the result
of analysis.
<boolean>: true or false
Default: false
-d, --dot <path> This is the output file from 'mvn
dependency:tree -
<path>: a file path
Default: /home/bjerre/workspace/pom-dependency-analyzer/.
-h, --help <argument-to-print-help-for> <argument-to-print-help-for>: an argument to print help for
Default: If no specific parameter is given the whole usage text is given
-md, --metadata <string> These key/values will be stored
together with the artifact. Can be used to
record things like artifacts git repo or
artifacts Jenkins job URL. [Supports Multiple occurrences]
<string>: any string
Default: Empty list
-sf, --storage-folder <string> This is where it will store files.
<string>: any string
Default: <user home>/.m2