
Uses output of pom-dependency-analyzer to implement a REST API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pomDependencyAnalyzerWebApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pom-dependency-analyzer-web-api';


Pom Dependency Analyzer Web API

Build Status NPM

Uses output of Pom Dependency Analyzer to create an API implementation. The implementation is completely static and can be served from Github pages, Gitlab pages or by cloning the repo and running on localhost.

API documented in swagger.yml.


npx pom-dependency-analyzer-web-api -sf metadata/folder -af gh-pages/api

Or with java:

java -jar pom-dependency-analyzer-web-api-*.jar -sf metadata/folder -af gh-pages/api


-af, --api-folder <string>                 If supplied, it will dump all API-
                                           responses here.
                                           <string>: any string
                                           Default: null
-h, --help <argument-to-print-help-for>    <argument-to-print-help-for>: an argument to print help for
                                           Default: If no specific parameter is given the whole usage text is given
-ksr, --keep-server-running <boolean>      Keeps the server running.
                                           <boolean>: true or false
                                           Default: false
-md, --metadata <string>                   These key/values will be stored 
                                           together with the artifact. Can be used to 
                                           record things like artifacts git repo or 
                                           artifacts Jenkins job URL. [Supports Multiple occurrences]
                                           <string>: any string
                                           Default: Empty list
-sf, --storage-folder <string>             This is where it will look for 
                                           output of Pom Dependency Analyzer.
                                           <string>: any string
                                           Default: <user home>/.m2/repository