Pom Dependency Analyzer Web Frontend
See Pom Dependency Analyzer Web for example usage!
Uses output of Pom Dependency Analyzer Web API to create a browsable webpage. The webpage is completely static and can be served from Github pages, Gitlab pages or by cloning the repo and running on localhost
API documented in swagger.yml.
You can change where the API is located by creating a file called pdaw-config.json
. Place it where you deployed the frontend, same level as the index.html
. It should contain::
"apiBasePath": "http://whereveryour/api/is/located"
Developed with Vue.
sudo npm install -g @vue/cli
- Install Vue CLI globallynpm install
- Install dependenciesnpm run build
- Buildnpm run serve
- Serve
GUI based on:
Recommended setup:
- Visual Studio Code
- Extensions
ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode
ext install octref.vetur
- Settings
- Text editor / Formatting / Format on Save
- Extensions