
Maven pom.xml versions manager. Change version of pom, parent version and dependencies.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pomVersionChanger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pom-version-changer';



Maven pom.xml version changer, dependencies´s manager, properties changer.

How to install

Node Application

  • Clone the repository
  • cd into app folder
  • change the file config.json to suit your projects.
  • do "npm install" to install dependencies
  • execute with "node pom-version-changer.js"

Node.js dependency

  • check folder app for a sample
  • add as a dependecy to your project pom-version-changer
  • add a require on your script
  var pvc = require("pom-version-changer");
  • Execute changes with
  pvc.processFromFile(configFile, (argv.backup == true));


  pvc.process(data, backupOption);
    Data should be an object with the same structure as the JSON file

Why should you use it?

If you have a lot projects that have dependencies between them and you would like to ease version management process this script should help you with it.

Imagine that you have a big project with lots of subprojects and that those projects depend in some others also controlled by you.

  Project A
    : version 1.2
    - SubProject A.1
      : version 1.2 from parent
    - SubProject A.2
      : version 1.2 from parent
    - SubProject A.3
      : version 1.2 from parent
      - SubProject A.3.1
        : version 1.2 from parent

  Project B
    : version 3.0.1
    : depends on A.2
    - SubProject B.1
      : version 3.0.1 from parent
    - SubProject B.2
      : version 3.0.1 from parent
      : depends on A.2

  Project C
    : version 2.0
    : depends on A.2
    : depends on B.1
    : depends on B.2

To control versions for these projects you would have to change each pom.xml that has a version to point to the new updated version. (you could use maven update child version for project version and use dependecies management, but that is not easy enough).

With pom-version-changer full control over your pom.xml versions is possible. With only one file (config.json) projects are defined, versions are set, dependencies´s versions are configured.

How to use

Configuration file config.json for some projects:

  "paths": {
    "iee": "C:/wc/iee/7.6/iee-toolkit",
    "efa-components": "C:/wc/p2/15.6/efa-components/java",
    "efa-pom": "C:/wc/p2/15.6/efa-pom/"
  "projects": {
    "iee-toolkit": {
      "pom": "pom.xml",
      "basepath": "iee"
    "iee": {
      "pom": "iee/pom.xml",
      "parent": "iee-toolkit",
      "basepath": "iee"
    "iee-report": {
      "pom": "report/pom.xml",
      "parent": "iee-toolkit",
      "basepath": "iee"
    "iee-tutorial": {
      "pom": "tutorial/pom.xml",
      "parent": "iee-toolkit",
      "basepath": "iee"
    "efa-components": {
      "pom": "pom.xml",
      "basepath": "efa-components"
    "efa-dependencies": {
      "pom": "efa-dependencies/pom.xml",
      "parent": "efa-components",
      "basepath": "efa-components"
    "efa-pom": {
      "pom": "pom.xml",
      "basepath": "efa-pom"

  "projects-version": {
    "iee-toolkit": "7.6.4",
    "efa-components": "15.6.4"

  "dependencies-version": {
    "pt.efacec.se.aut/bus-core": "8.1.1",
    "pt.efacec.se.aut/bus-extensions": "2.1.1",
    "pt.efacec.se.aut/iee": "7.6.4"

  "properties": {
    "currentVersion": "15.6.4",
    "efaDependenciesVersion": "15.6.4",
    "ieeVersion": "7.6.4",
    "ieeReport": "7.6.4"

paths: paths that you reference on projects by using basepath

projects: define projects and parents

projects-version: configure version for each product that you want to manage

dependencies-version: configure dependencies version which will be updated on each project that has them defined

properties: configure variables value to be set on each project

Run pom-version-changer

  node pom-version-changer.js --config=config.json --backup

Options config and backup are optional. If backup is specified a pom.xml.bak will be created.