A Plugin bundle for the Pomegranate application framework. Pomegranate-Express bundles several easily configurable plugins that implement the Express framework.
Usage and Examples
$ npm install --save pomegranate pomegranate-express
$ ./node_modules/.bin/pomegranate init -f . && ./node_modules/.bin/pomegranate build
$ node pom.js
The Router plugin creates your route structure based on directory and module names. You can basically treat it exactly like an instance of Express Router because that is exactly what it is.
/* file ./routes/index.js */
module.exports = function(Router){
//available at http://localhost:8080/
Router.get('/', function(req, res, next){
res.send('Hello from the index')
// Note: your route files must return
// the factory instance of Router provided
return Router
You can define named routes just as easily.
/* file ./routes/hello/index.js */
module.exports = function(Router){
//available at http://localhost:8080/hello
Router.get('/', function(req, res, next){
res.send('Hello from a sub directory')
//available at http://localhost:8080/hello/world
Router.get('/world', function(req, res, next){
res.send('Hello from a named route')
return Router
Finally You can name your files if you have complex routes that you wish to segregate. These coexist with index files, so feel free to experiment with what works best for you.
/* file ./routes/hello/name.js */
module.exports = function(Router){
//available at http://localhost:8080/hello/name/bob
Router.get('/:name', function(req, res, next){
res.send('Hello from a named file ' +
return Router
Obviously any Express application lives on its middleware stack. Pomegranate makes it easy to create, configure and load your middleware functions without a huge boilerplate file.
The Application Plugin creates a shared object that middleware functions can merge into, Later in the Pomegranate bootstrap process, the PreRouter and PostRouter plugins will use this object to mount your middleware. The BundleMiddleware plugin provides some stock functions, but you can easily override them by creating your own with the same name.
/* file ./plugins/MyMiddleware.js */
module.exports = {
options: { //optional but preferred}
metadata: {
name: 'MyMiddleware',
layer: 'dependencies'
param: 'Middleware',
type: 'merge'
plugin: {
load: function(inject, loaded){
* Create one or many middleware functions here, you can split them up into separate files if needed.
var myMiddlewares = {
awesome: function(req, res, next){
console.log('You are really awesome')
* When you are ready, call loaded with your middlewares as the second param.
* If something goes wrong, pass the error to the first param of loaded()
loaded(null, myMiddlewares)
start: function(done){
stop: function(done){
Included Plugins
Provides the Express App, Express Router Factory and Middleware object.
Injector: Dynamic
Adds a dynamic number of objects.
Injects: Service
Express - Configurable instance of Express.
Injects: Factory
Router - Provides instances of Express.Router() to define routes on.
Injects: Merge
Middleware - An object spanning all of the middleware in a project.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
options | Object |
Plugin Options | |
options.caseSensitiveRoutes | Boolean |
false |
options.mergeReqParams | Boolean |
false |
options.strictRouting | Boolean |
false |
Provides Overrideable standard middleware.
Injector: Merge
Merges all returned objects into the provided dep name.
Injects:: function
Middleware - 404
Injects:: function
Middleware - 500
Name | Type | Description |
options | Object |
This plugin has no options |
Configures the Express application and mounts all pre-route middleware.
Injector: None
Adds nothing to the injector.
Name | Type | Description |
options | Object |
Plugin Options |
options.order | Array |
Mount order of middleware functions. |
Loads and mounts provided route definition files located in options.workDir
Injector: None
Adds nothing to the injector.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
options | Object |
Plugin Options | |
options.workDir | String |
./routes |
Directory to load routes from. |
Configures the Express application and mounts all post-route middleware, including error handlers.
Injector: None
Adds nothing to the injector.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
options | Object |
Plugin Options | |
options.order | Array.<String> |
'['404','500']' |
Mount order of middleware functions. |
Configures the Express application and mounts all pre-route middleware.
Injector: None
Adds nothing to the injector.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
options | Object |
Plugin Options | |
options.port | Number |
8080 |
Port to bind server to. |
options.address | String |
localhost |
Address to bind server to. |
Bundled Middleware
Bundled 404 handler middleware