NOTE: This is a work in progress. Please check back for when there is a release.
pomodoro-intrusive is a cross-platform utility that enforces the pomodoro discipline rather forcefully: by locking up your screen! Currently, it is available for Linux, OSX and Windows.
Here's what it does:
- On starting pomodoro-intrusive, it forks off a background process called the pomodoro-nag.
- pomodoro-nag waits for a specified time time of work (default: 25 mins)
- It then locks your screen! (Basically, shows a full screen window that is always on top of other windows.) You could try closing this, but...
- During the duration of the break period (default: 5 mins), it repeatedly re-launches the lock screen window if it is closed. Hey, it's not called intrusive for nothing!
- After the break period, it opens up your screen. But that's not all...
- After unlocking your screen, it keeps monitoring for mouse/keyboard activity. If it doesn't detect any, it is most probably because you left your workstation (and are wasting time checking your Twitter feed using your phone). So helpfully, pomodoro-nag periodically plays a sound alerting you to GET BACK TO WORK!
- Once it detects a few keystrokes/mouse activity, it closes the screen lock and resumes the work timer.
- Rinse and repeat cycle.
- Studies show that sitting for prolonged periods of time has a terrible effect on your lifespan. Taking frequent breaks by getting up and moving around significantly alleviates the harms of sitting.
- This was especially significant in my case, since I was struggling with back issues. Frequent breaks were made mandatory by my physio.
- An ideal work discipline that helps with this is the 'pomodoro' technique.
- Most pomodoro workflow utilities are non-intrusive... to the point where you forget about them. This was a deal breaker for me since I just tune out the subtle notifications in my taskbar telling me to go take a break.
- Moreover, these pomodoro utilities need to be manually restarted when you resume work. Most of the time, I just used to forget to do that.
- pomodoro technique is awesome, but the tools available to enforce this were far from adequate.
- This tool is an attempt at solving these problems and enforcing a proper pomodoro discipline.
- node(v4.7+) with npm (On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Download app from npm
npm install -g pomodoro-intrusive
pomodoro-intrusive start # Starts the pomodoro nag process
pomodoro-intrusive stop # Terminates the pomodoro nag process
pomodoro-intrusive status # Prints current pomodoro nag status
In the Pipeline but not yet implemented
pomodoro-intrusive restart:work # Restarts the work time
pomodoro-intrusive restart:break # Restarts the break time
- Configuration of the parameters such as the pomodoro activity intervals can be done by editing
- Standalone installers/zip packages for Windows and OSX.
- Systray icon and menu to perform the various actions currently accessible only from commandline.
- GUI to configure options rather than having to edit the configuration files manually.
- Sgt.Pomodoro graphic designed by Radhika Ayyangar