
a tiny module to make a promise easily.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pomprom from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pomprom';



this is module is built to make promise very easily.

The module export a function which it returns a Promise.

The function take three arguments. The first is a boolean, or better, a function that returne a boolean. This boolean sets if the function will return a rejected Promise or a resolved Promise.

The first argument is the value to resolve.

The second argument is the value to reject.

The third is a boolean, or better, a function that returne a boolean. This boolean sets if the function will return a rejected Promise or a resolved Promise.


const pomProm = require('pomprom')

//A very simple way to returned a resolved Promise
pomProm('hello').then((msg) => console.log(msg)) // => 'hello'

//A very simple way to returned a rejected Promise
pomProm(null, 'I am rejected').then(null, (msg) => console.log(msg)) // => 'I am rejected'

//The following example always returns a rejected Promise
pomProm('Resolved', 'Rejected', true)n 
.then((msg1) => console.log(msg1), (msg2) => console.log(msg2)) // => 'Rejected'

//a better way to use this module
var arr = [2, 4, 6, 8]
function isEven (item) {
  if (item % 2 === 0) {
    return true
  } else {
    return false
pomProm('All values are even', 'Not all values are even',
        arr.every( (item) => (! isEven(item) )))
.then( (msg) => console.log(msg), (otherMsg) => console.log(otherMsg))


pomProm : allValues * allValues * Boolean -> Promise pomProm(toResolve[, toReject][, ifRejected]) toResolve : Any value that will be passed to the Promise if it resolved toReject : Anu value that will be passed to the Promise if it rejected ifRejected : Boolean