
Pon task to deal with docker image

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ponTaskDockerImage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pon-task-docker-image';



Build Status npm Version JS Standard

Pon task to deal with docker image


$ npm install pon-task-docker-image --save


次のような image.json ファイルを作成する。

  "name": "hello-world",
  "version": "latest",
  "registry": "registry.hub.docker.com/library"

build, push 等のタスクには image.json ファイルのあるディレクトリを指定する。


build(dir, options)

Task to build docker image

Param type Description
dir string docker build directory
options Object Optional settings
options.confDir string directory of Dockerfile, .dockerignore, image.json
options.force boolean if false, skip build if image exists

pull(dir, options)

Task to pull docker image

Param type Description
dir string docker build directory
options Object Optional settings

push(dir, options)

Task to push docker image

Param type Description
dir string docker build directory
options Object Optional settings

remove(dir, options)

Task to remove docker image

Param type Description
dir string docker build directory
options Object Optional settings

run(dir, options)

Task to run docker container

Param type Description
dir string docker directory
options Object Optional settings


This software is released under the Apache-2.0 License.
