
The most powerful functional library of JavaScript. Featuring ponies

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poneyJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poney.js';



What is it ?

PoneyJS is the only functionnal library you'll need for your JavaScript application. With an API designed by the elders of PoneyWorld, you will be stuned by the power it will give to your code.

This is an alpha release of the library. Thus, we need you too improve it and to make it the most powerful functional library the world has ever seen.


  • Map

PoneyJS.walkThroughRainbows(array, function (value) { /* Do whatever you want with your value here */})

  • Filter

PoneyJS.keepTheRainAway(array, function (value) { /* Tell the poney if the value must survive */ })

  • Get the first value of results from a filter

PoneyJS.getAUnicorn(array, function (value) { /* Tell the poney if the value must survive. There will remain only one */ })

  • Reduce

PoneyJS.makeALittlePoney(array, function (acc, value) { /* Do whatever you want with your ponies */}, initial)

  • console.log


  • Check if a value is truthy or falsy


  • Throw an error



All humans are welcome to contribute, by raising new issues, requesting features or opening new PR. The elders of PoneyWorld count on you !