
A build-step cli tool to convert the output of Pontoon to a JSON file for use with node-based localization

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pontoonToJson from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pontoon-to-json';



A build process CLI tool to convert the locale directory structure and .properties files output by Pontoon to JSON for use in JavaScript based l10n.


--src a directory to grab properties from. Defaults to locales at the project root

--dest a directory to output locales.json. Defaults to dist at the project root

Config env


SUPPORTED_LOCALES a csv string with the locales to convert to json. Example en-US, de, ja. Defaults to *.


SUPPORTED_LOCALES an array with the locales to convert to json, or a string with a * for all. Example ["en-US", "de", "ja"]. Defaults to *.