
Poor man's Symbol implementation, not compliant. Uses window.Symbol if present

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poorMansSymbol from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poor-mans-symbol';



Poor man's Symbol implementation, not compliant. Uses window.Symbol if present

gzipped size Travis build status gzipped size

This is not a polyfill, it's only good to be used to generate pseudo-private property keys.

Usage with npm and ES2015

npm install --save poor-mans-symbol
import PoorSymbol from './poor-mans-symbol';
const ಠ = PoorSymbol('my-nice-module');
el[ಠ] = 'Some private stuff';

Usage without build tools

Copy the content of the file dist/poor-mans-symbol.browser.js into your code, don't load that file separately, it's too small. Then:

var ಠ = PoorSymbol('my-nice-module');
el[ಠ] = 'Some private stuff';


MIT © Federico Brigante