Create your custom popin.
You can use this module with browserify
and require('popin')
How it works
The plugin will look for all element who have the js-popin class and bind it to open a div with an id equal to the data-target or a content past in params.
Example :
<a href="#" class="js-popin" data-target="popin-alpha">test popin</a>
<div id="popin-alpha" class="popin">
<div class="popin-header">
<a class="js-popin-linkClose popin-header-linkClose" href="#" title="">Fermer X</a>
<div class="popin-content">
<!-- popin content goes here -->
You can use the minified file in lib/popin.js for production or if you use Browserify, you just have to require('popin')
and npm i
Simply create a new instance of the Popin object.
var Popin = require('popin');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var popinInstance = new Popin();
popinInstance.init();//all popins will instancied with default params
}, false);
Copy the styles in styles/popin.scss
in your css or import the file in your scss.
Defaults parameters
var defaultParams = { overlay : true }
Use custom init params
var popinInstance = new Popin({
overlay:false //to disable overlay for all popins
Defaults options
var defaultOptions = { className : "js-popin", //css class overlayVisible : true, //show the overlay for the popin closeButton : true //the popin have close button }
Use custom init options
You can use a custom class to trigger your popin, in the initialisation you just need to pass an object like this :
className:'customClass', //element in DOM to trigger click
overlayVisible : false, //disable the overlay for the popin
closeButton:false, //if you don't need close button
content:'<div><div class="popin-header"></div>popin ajax</div>',//popin content not in default DOM loaded,
buttonSticky:true //to sticky the top of the popin at the top of the button
<a href="#" class="customClass" data-target="popin-beta">test popin</a>
You have 4 callback options
beforeOpen: function() {}, //trigger before the openning
afterOpen : function() {}, //trigger when the popin is visible in the screen
beforeClose:function() {}, //trigger before the closing
afterClose:function() {} //trigger when the popin is out of screen
This module uses classList who isn't available on IE9 and below, if you have to play around just use a polyfill :smile: