
A component that easily shows popovers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import popoverElement from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/popover-element';


Build Status npm version Bower version


Create simple or advanced, high performant Tooltips with minimal javascript and markup. This library is built using native vanilla javascript which means super fast performance. Supports IE10+, all major browsers and even mobile.


Create your Tooltip html:

<div class="my-tooltip">My Tooltip Content</div>
<button class="my-tooltip-toggle-btn">Toggle</button>

The add your css:

.my-tooltip {
    display: none;

.my-tooltip-active {
    display: block;

Then activate your tooltip with the following:

var tooltip = new Tooltip({
    el: document.body.querySelector('.my-tooltip'),
    activeClass: 'my-tooltip-active',
    triggerClass: 'my-tooltip-toggle-btn'

tooltip.show(); // show the tooltip
tooltip.hide(); // hide the tooltip