
Some little things which usually pop up on your pages.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poppers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poppers';




Some little things which usually pop up on your pages.

Table of contents


npm i poppers

Basic usage


import {Toast} from 'poppers';

new Toast('I am a toast').pop();

script tag

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/poppers/dist/poppers.min.css">
    <script src="path/to/poppers/dist/poppers.min.js"></script>
        new poppers.Toast('I am a toast').pop();


Some common stuff without description are explained in the next section.

  • Dropdown

    • constructor(menu: MenuItem[], target: HTMLElement | string, options = dropdownOptions)

      • menu

        • MenuItem

              // Triggered when the item clicked.
              handler: () => void,
              // Text of the item.
              text: string
      • target

        Element which can be clicked to pop.

        Should be a CSS selector when the value is string.

      • options

        • dropdownOptions

              backdropTransparent: true
    • pop()

    • bob()

  • Notification

    • constructor(message: string, options = notificationOptions)

      • options

        • notificationOptions

              backdropDisabled: true,
              autoBob: true
    • pop()

    • bob()

  • Toast

    • constructor(message: string, options = toastOptions)

      • options

        • toastOptions

              backdropDisabled: true,
              autoBob: true
    • pop()

    • bob()

  • alert(message: string)

  • confirm(message: string): Promise

    Resolves when "OK" clicked and rejects when "Cancel" clicked.

  • prompt(message: string, defaultValue: string = ''): Promise

    Resolves with the input value when "OK" clicked and rejects when "Cancel" clicked.

Some common stuff


  • options: Options

    Base options, merged with options that passed as an argument actually.

    • Options

          // Close the popper automatically.
          autoBob: boolean = false,
          // How long (ms) before the popper closed automatically.
          autoBobDelay: number = 3000,
          // Disable the backdrop of the popper.
          backdropDisabled: boolean = false,
          // The backdrop is transparent.
          backdropTransparent: boolean = false,
          // The popper can be closed by clicking the backdrop.
          clicksBackdropToBob: boolean = true,
          // Main content of the popper.
          // Ignored if it is a falsy value.
          // Converted to `string` if it is not a `Node`.
          content: string | Node,
  • message: string

    Pure text content. Could be overrode by options.content.


  • pop()

    Open the popper.

  • bob()

    Close the popper (upside down "pop" 🙃).