Tunisian - Population & Municipalites 🇹🇳🪐
allow you to get all tunisian cities populations for the date January 2019. Population-Tn
Link of the dataset OpenGov.
- NPM :
$ npm install population-tn
Step 1 : Import the module in this way.
$ const populations = require('population-tn');
Step 2 :
- Get Population_Municipalites :
$ populations.getPopulations();
- Get Governorate by Governorate Code :
$ populations.getByCode_Gouvernorat(gov_code);
- Get Governorate by Municiaplity Code :
$ populations.getByCode_Municipalite(muni_code);
Keep it simple. Keep it minimal. Don't put every single feature just because you can.
Authors / Contributors / Acknowledgments
- Ahmed Rebai @Rebaiahmed
- Imed Jaberi @3imed-jaberi