Vue.js popup widget
Getting started
- Install:
npm install popup-widget-q
- Add to project globally (main.js):
import PopupWidget from 'popup-widget-q'
Add locally to the component:
import { PopupWidget } from 'popup-widget-q'
export default {
components: {
Use Widget
bottom: position.bottom,
right: position.right,
:showDelayMs='8000' >
Available Props
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
defaultMode |
String | null | default mode to pop up. Can be 'minimized' or 'expanded' |
text |
String | null | text content for expanded modal if no slot provided |
title |
String | null | title for expanded modal if no slot provided |
iconPath |
String | null | url for mimnimized widget icon |
iconText |
String | '🎁' | text showing on minimized widget if no icon path provided |
autoexpand |
Boolean | false | true/false autoexpand after autoexpandMs |
autoexpandMs |
Number | 7000 | ms to autoexpand |
closeByEsc |
Boolean | true | minimize or not widget by Esc button |
widgetColor |
String | '#9ec939' | color for minimized widget backgroud color |
fontColor |
String | null | color for icon (if iconText provided). Autoselect (black/white if null) |
showDelayMs |
Number | 0 | ms delay to show |
position |
Object | {bottom: '30px', right: '30px'} | css top, bottom, right or left attributes for fixed position |
stopAutoexpand |
Boolean | false | you can pass this prop to stop autoexpand |
Available Hooks
- called after widget is minimized