
pop up wiget notification style

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import popupWidgetQ from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/popup-widget-q';



Vue.js popup widget

Getting started


  1. Install:
npm install popup-widget-q

  1. Add to project globally (main.js):
import PopupWidget from 'popup-widget-q'


Add locally to the component:

import { PopupWidget } from 'popup-widget-q'

export default {
  components: {

Use Widget

        bottom: position.bottom,
        right: position.right,
    :showDelayMs='8000' >


Available Props

Prop Type Default Description
defaultMode String null default mode to pop up. Can be 'minimized' or 'expanded'
text String null text content for expanded modal if no slot provided
title String null title for expanded modal if no slot provided
iconPath String null url for mimnimized widget icon
iconText String '🎁' text showing on minimized widget if no icon path provided
autoexpand Boolean false true/false autoexpand after autoexpandMs
autoexpandMs Number 7000 ms to autoexpand
closeByEsc Boolean true minimize or not widget by Esc button
widgetColor String '#9ec939' color for minimized widget backgroud color
fontColor String null color for icon (if iconText provided). Autoselect (black/white if null)
showDelayMs Number 0 ms delay to show
position Object {bottom: '30px', right: '30px'} css top, bottom, right or left attributes for fixed position
stopAutoexpand Boolean false you can pass this prop to stop autoexpand

Available Hooks

onMinimized - called after widget is minimized