
Open popup windows

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import popupWindow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/popup-window';




Example usage

let win = new Popup(
    name: 'window name goes here', // Optional
    width: 600,
    height: 400

win.opened( ( win ) => {
  console.log('Popup has been opened');
}).blocked( ( win ) => {
  console.log('Popup has been blocked');
}).closed( ( win ) => {
  console.log('Popup has been closed');


Window features

The window will have these features by default. You can pass in an object with some or all of these settings to the constructor, as shown above. If the width or height is null, it will be calculated to be half the screen width/height. If the left or top is null, it will be calculated so that the window is in the center of the screen.

  width: null,
  height: null,
  left: null,
  top: null,
  menubar: 0,
  toolbar: 0,
  location: 1,
  status: 1,
  resizable: 1,
  scrollbars: 1


  • open - open the window.
  • close - close the window.
  • opened - accepts a callback - the callback is called when the window is opened.
  • closed - accepts a callback - the callback is called when the window is closed.
  • blocked - accepts a callback - the callback is called when the window is blocked from opening.

The opened, closed, and blocked callbacks receive the Popup instance as the only argument.