Create your own pop-up window with your layout and your styles!
Getting Started
Using npm:
npm install --save-dev popuper
- Сreate a window manager for creating windows
let popupManager = new Popuper('myMessage', 'ok);
- Сreate the window itself using the create()
let popuperError = popupManager.create('error');
let popuperSuc = popupManager.create('succsses');
let popuperInfo = popupManager.create('info');
- Сonfigure the parameters for opening, closing, and clicking on buttons You can set both standard window opening and closing effects, as well as your own
/* open effects */
popuperInfo.onOpen((element)=>{console.log(element);}) // your function on close window
popuperInfo.onOpen('swipeRight') // select standart function (swipe right)
popuperInfo.onOpen('fade') // select standart function (fade)
popuperInfo.onOpen('swipeTop') // select standart function (swipeTop)
/* close effects */
popuperInfo.onClose(()=>{console.log('clooose');}) // your function on close window
popuperInfo.onClose('swipeRight') // select standart function
popuperInfo.onClose('fade') // select standart function
popuperInfo.onClose('swipeTop') // select standart function
To assign a click action, your layout should have id for buttons (data-button)
onClick(buttonId, your function)
/* action on click */
//action on click button[data-button = "0"]
popuperInfo.onClick(0, (elem)=>{console.log('ok'); popuperInfo.close();})
//button[data-button = "myId"]
popuperInfo.onClick('myId', (elem)=>{console.log('cancel'); elem?.remove();})
- You can do your layout by substituting your variables when outputting
// my layout with key for my variables
let myLayout: string = `<div class="{selector} popupSuccsses">
<div class="popupMessage">{myCustomVriableMessage}</div>
<div class="popupFooter">
<button class="popupButton btnClass" data-button="0">{myCustomVriableButton1}</button>
<button class="popupButton btnClass" data-button="myId">{myCustomVriableButton2}</button>
// set layout
popuperInfo.layout = myLayout;
// set variables
popuperInfo.variables = {'selector': 'popup',
'myCustomVriableMessage': 'mess',
'myCustomVriableButton1': 'cancel',
'myCustomVriableButton2': 'oK'}
Еhe values in the layout, which are taken in curly brackets, will be replaced by the values from the popup.variables object with the same keys
({myVar} => popuperInfo.variables = {'myVar': value})
- Шt remains only to bring the window to the page! There are 5 ways to choose from.
popuperInfo.alert('body'); // innerHTML +=
popuperInfo.alert(document.querySelector('#inBlock'), 'replace') // innerHTML =
popuperInfo.alert(document.querySelector('#inBlock'), 'afterbegin') // insertAdjacentHTML
popuperInfo.alert(document.querySelector('#inBlock'), 'beforeend') // insertAdjacentHTML
popuperInfo.alert(document.querySelector('#inBlock'), 'replace') // insertAdjacentHTML