
The porla-autoadd script will monitor directories and automatically add any torrents it finds based on filters and rules. It is the easiest way to get torrents into Porla.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import porlaAutoadd from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/porla-autoadd';



The porla-autoadd script will monitor directories and automatically add any torrents it finds based on filters and rules. It is the easiest way to get torrents into Porla.

Example configuration

The autoadd script can be configured either with a list of simple paths to watch, or with an object describing the path, an (optional) RegExp filter and a (optional) save path.

  "autoadd": {
    "folders": [
        "path": "/Users/john/Other torrents",
        "filter": ".*\\.torrentquot;,
        "savePath": "/Downloads"

Installing in Porla

From your Porla project repository, run:

npm install porla-autoadd --save

Then add porla-autoadd to your external-scripts.json:
