
Lightning fast UIs on modern DOM APIs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import porpoise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/porpoise';



Lightning fast UIs on modern DOM APIs.

Why Porpoise?

  • Straightforward:
    • Built-in use in .html files (no HTML parsing, etc).
    • As little abstraction as possible: Just DOM APIs, with a touch of reactivity.
  • Lightweight:
    • Takes advantage of native, fast DOM APIs, no reinventing the wheel.
      • ES6 Proxies for reactivity, which is faster and more user friendly than manually get/set handlers.
      • Custom Elements v1 to provide a full DOM element with built-in lifecycle hooks (no need to rewrite those either).
    • NO Virtual DOM overhead. Porpoise stores update functions, which get triggered when a property is changed. There is no diffing or separate object tree involved.
  • Easy to learn:
    • Get started with a simple CDN bundle and write your fast UIs in template backticks.
    • Advanced users can take advantage of tree-shaking and JSX to boost performance even more.


NPM (recommended, both global & ESM): npm i porpoise


The classic counter, in 5 steps:

Initialize a component with the template compiler

import { construct } from "porpoise";
construct("cool-counter", {

Render the markup:

import { construct } from "porpoise";
construct("cool-counter", {

    template: `
            <span />

Setup the count property

import { construct } from "porpoise";
construct("cool-counter", {
    template: `
            <span :p-text="this.props.count" />

    castedProps: { count: "number" } // Auto-casts the attribute "count" to a number.

Create and bind event listeners

import { construct } from "porpoise";
construct("cool-counter", {
    template: `
            <span :p-text="this.props.count" />
        <button @click="this.store.increase">Increase</button>
        <button @click="this.store.decrease">Decrease</button>

    castedProps: { count: "number" },

    // The store holds component-specific data:
    store() {
        return {
            increase() { this.props.count++; },
            decrease() { this.props.count--; }

Voila! Now you're ready to use your element!

<!-- In your HTML -->
<cool-counter count="1">