
Tool to assist on Portainer stack updates

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import portainerCompanion from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/portainer-companion';


Portainer Companion

Command Line utility to update a Docker Stacks on Portainer.


Define the following environment variables to configure Portainer connection:

  • PORTAINER_URL: Url for Portainer access (ex:;
  • PORTAINER_USERNAME: Username for Portainer login;
  • PORTAINER_PASSWORD: Password for Portainer login.

Use the following environment variables for behavior configuration

  • FORCE_UPDATE: Update Portainer stack even if stack definition hasn't changed (defaults to false).

Installation (suggested)

Install the package globally:

  • npm i -g portainer-companion


On the command-line:

  • portainer, portainer -h or portainer --help to output usage information.

  • portainer update-stack-definition [options] <stack_name> <stack_file> to update a stack definition on Portainer:

    • Alias(es): usd;
    • <stack_name>: name of the Portainer stack to be updated;
    • <stack_file>: file that contains the stack definition;
    • Available options:
      • -f, --force: force update (updates even if definition hasn't changed);
      • -h, --help: output usage information.
  • portainer update-stack-variable <stack_name> <variable_name> [<variable_value>] to update a stack variable on Portainer:

    • Alias(es): usv;
    • <stack_name>: name of the Portainer stack where variable will be updated;
    • <variable_name>: name of the variable to be updated;
    • [<variable_value>]: new value of the variable;
    • Notes:
      • If a variable with that name doesn't exists, it will be created.
      • If no value is given, the variable will be removed