
Official client for the PortaText API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import portatext from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/portatext';


License npm version js-standard-style

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate Issue Count


Official NodeJS Client for the PortaText API.


  • Autogenerated documentation for this source can be found in the doc directory.
  • The endpoint tests should also serve as good doucmentation on how to use the API.
  • General PortaText documentation (including the REST API) can be found at the PortaText wiki.


Add this library to your package.json configuration:

  "dependencies": {
    "portatext": "latest"

Basic use

Getting a client instance

The first thing is to get a Client instance, for example the Curl implementation:

var portatextMod = require('portatext');
var portatext = new portatextMod.ClientHttp();

(Optional) Set your logger

You can optionally set a Console compatible logger:


By default, the client will use the NullLogger.


You can authenticate to the endpoints by using your API key or your username/password. This translates to either doing this:


Or this:

portatext.setCredentials(username, password);

When you specify a username and password instead of an api key, the sdk will automatically login and get a session token when needed.

Using the endpoints

All the API commands can be found in the command/api directory. The client offers a way to instantiate them by just calling them by their name.

Quick example

As an example, to create a template, you would do:

  .templates()                       // Get an instance of the Templates endpoint.
  .text("The text of my template")
  .description("My first template")
  .post()                            // Call the Templates endpoint with a POST.
  .then(function (result) {
    // Handle result...
  .catch(function (err) {
    // Handle error...

To get a template by id:

client.templates().id(45).get().then(function (result) { .... });

Or, to get all the templates:

client.templates().get().then(function (result) { .... });

The result

Calling an endpoint will return a Promise. On fulfillment, a result object is returned (see below for how to handle it). On rejection, you can get a string or a result object (in case the request was made but the server returned one or more errors in its response, for example if a field was missing or different than what was expected).

Testing for success

if (result.success) {

Getting error strings back from the server

if (result.errors) {
  result.errors.forEach(function (error) {

Getting data back from the server

if (result.success) {
  var data = result.data;


This project uses standard npm scripts. Current tasks include:

  • test: Runs Mocha tests.
  • jsdoc: Runs JSDoc3.
  • eslint: Runs ESLint.
  • coverage: Runs the tests and then Instanbul to get a coverage report.
  • build: This is the default task, and will run all the other tasks.

Running a phing task

To run a task, just do:

npm run build


To contribute:

  • Make sure you open a concise and short pull request.
  • Throw in any needed unit tests to accomodate the new code or the changes involved.
  • Run npm run build and make sure everything is ok before submitting the pull request (make eslint happy).
  • Your code must comply with the Javascript Standard Style, ESLint should take care of that.
  • If your code is accepted, it will belong to PortaText and will be published under the Apache2 License.


The source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check LICENSE file for more information.