Portfolio v2
Second (actual) version of my programming portfolio website. Rewritten from Angular to pure JS.
- without frameworks (clean, fast, lightweight and maintainability)
- uses
for templating HTML pages in JS - minimal webpack configuration with hot-reload in development mode and with minify and uglify HTML/CSS/JS for production build
- custom implementation of i18n (internationalization) which uses JSON file
- 6 pinned repositories in projects section fetched from GitHub GraphQL API
Toolsgit dif
JavaScript ES6 (babel, eslint), Bootstrap 4, Webpack 4, lit-html
Build, run
To build: npm install
To run in development mode: npm run dev
To build for production: npm run prod
Note thath output from above is in docs/
for fastest deploy on github page
- Texts are not visible when running production build locally.
Error message: `Failed to load file:///DRIVE:/.../portfolio/docs/i18n.json: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https.`
Note: Occurs only locally. After deploying page will be ok.