
A portforwarding service, support both local port forwarding and remote port forwarding

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import portforward from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/portforward';



A portforwarding service, support both local port forwarding and remote port forwarding


npm install -g portforward


Mode1: Local port-forwarding

portforward <from> <to>

For example, if you want to forward port 5566(For external) to port 80(For internal)
portforward 5566 80 So http://localhost:5566 will forward to http://localhost:80

Mode2: Remote port-forwarding

portforward <from> <to> <remoteHost>

Example1: if you want to forward local port 5566 to remote host whatismyip.org port 80 portforward 5566 80 whatismyip.org
So http://localhost:5566 will forward to http://whatismyip.org:80

Example2: if you want to forward local port 7788 to remote host ptt.cc port 22
portforward 5566 22 ptt.cc
So ssh localhost -p 5566 will act like ssh ptt.cc

Example3: Act as relay server
You can use this service to turn your host into relay server