
Return a random contextually valid hipchat emoticon

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import posicon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/posicon';


posicon-hipchat Build Status

Contextual emoticons for hipchat


npm install posicon --save

(WTF is the point?)

I wanted to attach random (but contextually valid) emoticons to hubot msgs in hipchat.


{icon} = require('posicon')

msg.send data.response + icon(data.status) 


  • icon(methodName) - Allows you to pass in one of the below methods by name, instead of invoking them as functions. Handy for passing in status labels.
  • success() - returns a random success icon
  • failure() - returns a random failure icon
  • unknown() - returns a random unknown icon

Sugar methods:

All of these are the same as success():

  • win
  • good
  • ok
  • successful

All of these are the same as failure():

  • fail
  • bad
  • error