How to use
Install dependency
npm i post-collection-to-yaml
Import and use
const postToYaml = require('post-collection-to-yaml');
const fileIn = 'path/to/post-collection.json';
const fileOut = 'path/to/save.yaml';
const stringInput = path.join(__dirname, fileIn);
const stringOutput = path.join(__dirname, fileOut);
await postToYaml.convert(stringInput, stringOutput);
Make responses easy!
Save you responses on postman, and we will make example for response on swagger
Recive 2 params: a string of path and file from Postman Collection and a string of output, place to save you swagger file. Can create your report when lifting your service.
Personalize some params v1 (Optional)
const postToYaml = require('post-collection-to-yaml');
const fileIn = 'path/to/post-collection.json';
const fileOut = 'path/to/save.yaml';
const options = {
url: 'localhost:3030',
description: 'server description',
title: 'titulo de prueba',
version: '1.2.3',
descriptionInfo: 'service description',
email: ''
const stringInput = path.join(__dirname, fileIn);
const stringOutput = path.join(__dirname, fileOut);
await postToYaml.convert(stringInput, stringOutput, options);
Personalize some params v2 (Optional, with many servers url's)
const postToYaml = require('post-collection-to-yaml');
const fileIn = 'path/to/post-collection.json';
const fileOut = 'path/to/save.yaml';
const options = {
title: 'titulo de prueba',
version: '1.2.3',
descriptionInfo: 'service description',
email: '',
server: [{
url: 'localhost:3030',
description: 'server local'
}, {
url: 'localhost:3031',
description: 'server produccion'
const stringInput = path.join(__dirname, fileIn);
const stringOutput = path.join(__dirname, fileOut);
await postToYaml.convert(stringInput, stringOutput, options);
Note for path server
if you put array of server thats cancel the url and description for single server
By Paulo Ariel Pareja