
Post statuses and images to social media sites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postToSocial from '';



A small module for posting images and statuses/tweets to social sites


npm install PostToSocial

var facebook = require('PostToSocial').facebook()
var twitter = require('PostToSocial').twitter("j8Z5sYGX1peJuyG4P5kCWQ", "lQ8yY6LqKd4XUjwYIsv3JsqCQbp1NTwMIyVNhb6dxk")

facebook.postImage(status, imageUrl, userToken, function(err, facebookResponse){})
facebook.postStatus(status, userToken, function(err, facebookResponse){})

twitter.postImage(tweet, imageUrl, userToken, userSecret, function(error, twitterResponse){})
twitter.postTweet(tweet, userToken, userSecret, function(error, twitterResponse){})

Included Errors

  {type: "ImageUrlRequired", message: "imageUrl is a required parameter.", statusCode: 400},
  {type: "SocialAuthenticationRequired", message: "Author must be authenticated with the associated social network to perform this action.", statusCode: 400},
  {type: "TextRequired", message: "'text' is a required parameter.", statusCode: 400},
  {type: "MissingParameters", message: "This method requires more parameters.", statusCode: 400},