Node.js module for parsing and validating postcodes. Country specific validation is supported for most countries including GB, US, Canada, Japan and many others.
Note: I haven't tested all combinations of postcodes for the extended country regular expressions. Please raise a PR with necessary test coverage for as many countries possible.
npm install postcode-validator
// commonjs
const { postcodeValidator, postcodeValidatorExistsForCountry } = require('postcode-validator');
// ES6
import { postcodeValidator, postcodeValidatorExistsForCountry } from 'postcode-validator';
postcodeValidator('W85TT', 'GB'); // returns true
postcodeValidator('1234567', 'GB'); // returns false
postcodeValidatorExistsForCountry('GB'); // returns true
postcodeValidatorExistsForCountry('Moon'); // returns false
country codes: US, GB, CA, JP, INTL(International), etc
Run the unit tests with:
npm test
Conventional Commits
Commit code using below npm script or just follow conventional commits for commit messages using git commit.
npm run commit