PostCSS Build
A postcss cli build tool. Useful if you use npm as a build tool. As opposed to postcss-cli, PostCSS build can scan an entire directory and subdirectory for files as well as process files in sequence.
PostCSS Build takes a number of source files and passes them through PostCSS and outputs a single file.
$ npm install -g postcss-build --save-dev
$ postcssbuild --src main.css --output main.min.css --plugins [ "autoprefixer", "cssnano" ]
CLI options
-c or --config
Configuration file in JSON or CommonJS.
-d or --dir
Source directory as string or directories as array. This is recursive.
-e or --ext When in dir mode, will only process file extensions specified. Defaults to ".css".
-h or --help
Displays help text .
-n or --notify
Show os notifications.
-o or --output
Path to output file.
-p or --plugins
Array of postcss plugins names.
-s or --src
Path to a single source file or a list of arrays and strings with source file paths, where they will be processed in sequence. --src overrules --dir.
-t or --options
Plugin options.
-w or --watch Recursively watch a directory for changes.
Instead of passing arguments via the cli they can be placed inside a JSON config file.
CLI arguments overrule config.
module.exports = {
"notify" : true,
"ext": ".css",
"watch" : "example/src/",
"src": [
"output": "example/css/main.min.css",
"plugins": [
// "cssnano"
"options": {
"autoprefixer": {
"browsers": ["> 1%", "IE 7"],
"cascade": false
"cssnano": { "safe": true }
npm start
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
"version": "1.1.0"
- MAJOR: Breaking changes.
- MINOR: New features.
- PATCH: Bug fixes.