
A wrapper around PostCSS that processes, caches, and inlines @import rules for incremental building

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssCached from '';



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A wrapper around PostCSS that processes, caches, and inlines @import rules for incremental building

postcss-cached takes a CSS file and computes a tree of @import'ed dependencies. It processes that tree from bottom to top, caching each individual result. When a file changes, only files that depend on it need to be rebuilt.


postcss-cached is available as an npm package.


postcss-cached adds to the interface of postcss as follows:

var postcssCached = require('postcss-cached');
var postcssCachedInstance = postcssCached();

var result = postcssCachedInstance.process('css string', options);

postcssCached.process(cssString, options) returns an object with an imports property, a tree of absolute file paths to subtrees of imports by those files.

postcssCachedInstance.cache is a map of absolute file path to processed result. If a path exists in the cache, its processed result will be used; the file will not be reprocessed.

postcssCached.delete(filePath) removes the filePath from the cache.

postcssCached.change(filePath) recursively removes filePath and files that import it from the cache. So that calling postcssCached.process again picks up the changes.