PostCSS plugin to produce valid epub3 css.
See the EPUB 3 CSS Profile for more information.
See postcss-epub if you're only wishing to add prefixed css properties.
@font-face requires both font-weight and font-style, so both are set to "normal" if not present (it's not clear in the spec, but required in some readers).
The "-epub-" prefix is added to anything needing it per the spec and all non "-epub-*" prefixes are removed.
Note: This will leave the unprefixed property.
$ npm install postcss-epub-clean
// dependencies
var fs = require("fs")
var postcss = require("postcss")
var epub = require("postcss-epub-clean")
// css to be processed
var css = fs.readFileSync("input.css", "utf8")
// process css
var output = postcss()