
PostCSS plugin to filter rules by applying a callback function on each selector. Can be used to filter out individual rules or remove all rules besides those you wish to keep.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssFilterRules from '';


PostCSS Filter Rules

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PostCSS plugin that filters rules with a callback function on each selector. Can be used to filter out individual rules or remove all rules besides those you wish to keep.


npm install postcss-filter-rules --save-dev



See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.


Type: Function

Function used to filter selectors. Called for each selector in a rule.

  • Selectors are kept if the function returns true, otherwise they are removed.
  • If all of the selectors for a rule are removed, the rule is also removed.
  • If all rules within an at-rule are removed, the block itself is also removed.

The function receives two arguments, selector and parts:

  • selector (String): The selector, as authored in CSS
  • parts (Array): An array of elements, classes, IDs and pseudo-classes in the selector. Can be used to quickly search for the existence of classes or IDs.
    i.e. for the selector .a + strong.b, the argument will be: [".a", "strong.b"]

For example, to keep only the selectors with the .styleguide class:

    filter: (selector, parts) => parts.includes('.styleguide')

With the input CSS:

.styleguide span,
.button span {
    color: red;
.button {
    color: blue;

Will output:

.styleguide span {
    color: red;

Type: Function

A custom callback that can be used to generate the parts argument of the callback. If one is not provided, the default callback is used. This callback builds an AST-tree using postcss-selector-parser, but there is no restriction on what this function can return.

Type: Array (Optional)
Default: ['charset', 'import', 'keyframes']

By default, @font-face and any empty at-rules (after filtering) are removed. To keep specific at-rules, provide an array of names to this option. For example:

    keepAtRules: ['font-face', 'import']
  • To keep all at-rules, use the value true
  • To discard all at-rules, use an empty array []


  • Keep a @keyframes rule when it is referenced by animation-name or the animation shorthand.
  • Keep a @font-face rule when it is referenced by font-family or the font shorthand.
  • Allow custom callbacks for charset, import, and keyframes blocks.