
PostCSS plugin to force variable usage on specific rules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssForcedVariables from '';


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PostCSS Forced Variables


The plugins purpose is to help enforce more consistent SASS-like variable usage in stylesheets.


Provides warnings when a variable from your variables file could've been used. Throws errors when specified rules do not have variables used.

E.g 1) The following will generate a warning stating that a variable could be used here.

ruleset : ['color'], variables : {$white : #fff'} used to process the css:

body {

color: #fff;


E.g. 2) The following will throw an error stating that a variable should be used here.

ruleset : ['color'], variables : {$white : #fff'} used to process the css:


color : red; }


npm install postcss-forced-variables

  • In your processors call forcedVariables with the following object: { ruleset : ['rules go here'],

variables : { '$variableName' : 'variableValue}


Setup is complete. Further details can be seen in gulp test examples.

Feel free to e-mail me at with any suggestions or questions!