
A PostCSS plugin to create fluid grids.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssGridFluid from '';



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A PostCSS plugin to create fluid grids.


Install the npm package:

npm install postcss postcss-grid-fluid --save-dev

Require the PostCSS plugin:


See PostCSS docs to setup with Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, npm scripts…

Configuration (optional)

Option 1: In javascript

  width: 1,         /* width/total of one blob integer if there is a _total_ or a float smaller than 1. */
  gutter: 0,        /* width of the gutter */
  display: 'flex'   /* 'float' or 'flex' */

Option 2: in css

@gf {
  width: 1; /* width/total of one blob */
  gutter: 0; /* width of the gutter */
  display: flex; /* float or flex */

If no configuration, the default value.



gf: row ([gutter])

  • gutter (optional, default = 0): width of the gutter in px or rem.

Rows are intended to contain a blob. They have a negative right margin.


gf: blob [width](/[total]) ([gutter]) ([display])

  • width: width of the blob. Could be an integer if there is a total or a float smaller than 1.
  • total (optional, default = 1): divider of the container width.
  • gutter (optional, default = 0): width of the gutter in px or rem.
  • display (optional, default = flex): float or flex.

Example 1: input, output, markup, demo

Example 2: input, output, markup, demo