
PostCSS plugin for image height, image ratio and image color in CSS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssImageDimensions from '';


PostCSS Image Dimensions

PostCSS plugin for using image width, height, ratio and color data in your CSS.


  • Image width and height
  • Image size ratio (width:height and height:width)
  • Average color
  • Caching

Note: All width, height and ratio helpers include a 2x resolution version. For example, image-width() becomes image-width-2x(). The assumption is that the 2x image is the original image found and the 1x image is half of that.


Install package as a dependency.

yarn add postcss-image-dimensions

Add to your PostCSS build chain.

const postcssImageDimensions = require('postcss-image-dimensions');

        globPattern: ['./src/images/**/*', './other/images/**/*'], // String or Array of strings
        cachePath: './.cache'

Use available helper methods in your CSS.

/* Input */
.example-image {
    width: image-width('src/images/example.jpg');

/* Output */
.example-image {
    width: 200px;

CSS helper methods

Important: All image paths used with the CSS helpers must be absolute from the root of your project.

  • image-width() - Width in pixels.
  • image-width-2x() - Width in pixels.
  • image-width-ratio() - Ratio of width as a percentage (to 4 decimal places).
  • image-width-ratio-2x() - Ratio of width as a percentage (to 4 decimal places).
  • image-height() - Height in pixels.
  • image-height-2x() - Height in pixels.
  • image-height-ratio() - Ratio of height as a percentage (to 4 decimal places).
  • image-height-ratio-2x() - Ratio of height as a percentage (to 4 decimal places).
  • image-color() - The average color of the image as a hexadecimal string or transparent if image is transparent.


All examples below assume the following image has been used.

alt text

| Example Input | Example Output | - | - | | image-width('test/juice.jpg') | 125px | | image-width-2x('test/juice.jpg') | 250px | | image-width-ratio('test/juice.jpg') | 117.9245% | | image-width-ratio-2x('test/juice.jpg') | 118.4834% | | image-height('test/juice.jpg') | 106px | | image-height-2x('test/juice.jpg') | 211px | | image-height-ratio('test/juice.jpg') | 84.8% | | image-height-ratio-2x('test/juice.jpg') | 84.4% | | image-color('test/juice.jpg') | #cbbc8e |




  • Type: String | Array
  • Default value: './src/images/**/*'

Override where the plugin should look for images. Paths need to be provided as glob patterns. See globby for supported patterns.


  • Type: String
  • Default value: './.cache'

The plugin creates a cache of all image data so it doesn't have to keep processing images each time.


  • Write tests
  • Add more accurate average color