
A tool to easily create custom alias resolver for postcss-import

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssImportAliasResolver from '';


A tool to easily create custom alias resolver for postcss-import.

There are already modules that do this, but I encountered a situation when I couldn't make my setup to resolve everything correctly, either aliases or modules or direct link were not resolving. So I made my own configurable resolver.


npm i postcss-import-alias-resolver

Update Log

  • 0.1.1 added resolution via package.json main field
  • 0.1.0 initial working sample


Webpack example

const resolver = require('postcss-import-alias-resolver');
const postcssLoader = {
  loader: 'postcss-loader',
  options: {
    plugins: {
      'postcss-import': {
        resolve: resolver(options)

You can define aliases, extensions and modules directories to look in. You can also pass webpack config and it will take those settings from config.resolve object. By default aliases are prefixed with '~' so '@': 'src/assets' will become '~@': 'src/assets', this is done for compatibility with some environments and IDEs and can be disabled.

Options example

  alias: {
    '@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'assets'),
    'comps': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components'),
    'static': path.resolve(__dirname, '/public'),
  extensions: ['.css'],
  modules: ['assets/libs', 'node_modules'],
  dontPrefix: false, // do not enforce '~' prefix to aliases
  webpackConfig: require('./webpack.conf.js'),
  mergeAlias: 'extend',
  mergeModules: 'extend',
  mergeExtensions: 'replace',
  onResolve(id, base, resolvedPath) {
    console.log(`id ${id} resolved to ${resolvedPath}`)
    // if you want to override then return new path
    if (override === true)
      return 'some/new/path'
  onFail(id, base) {
    console.log(`failed to resolve id ${id} from ${base}`)
    // if you want to override then return new path
    if (override === true)
      return 'some/new/path'     

Structure example

├── webpack.conf.js
├── node_modules
│   └── bulma
│       └── package.json
│           └── "main": "./lib/index.css"
├── public
│   └── file.css
├── assets
│   └── some.css
│   └── libs
│       └── bootstrap
│           └── index.css
└── src
    └── components
        ├── base.css
        └── theme.css

Resolve example with above config and structure

@import "~static/file.css";
/* /Users/user/dev/project/public//file.css */

@import "~@/some.css";
/* /Users/user/dev/project/assets/some.css */

@import "~bootstrap";
/* /Users/user/dev/project/assets/libs/bootstrap/index.css */

@import "~bulma";
/* /Users/user/dev/project/node_modules/bulma/lib/index.css */

@import "~comps/theme";
/* /Users/user/dev/project/src/components/theme.css */



Creates a resolver with set options Options object accepts:

  • alias: an object with key/value pairs as alias/path:
    let alias = {
      '@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'assets'),
      'src': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
      'static': path.resolve(__dirname, '/public'),
  • extensions: list of extensions to try when looking for a file, if not passed and no webpack config then defaults to ['.css']
  • modules: list of directories to look into when aliases didn't match, if not passed and no webpack config then defaults to ['node_modules']
  • moduleFields: list of fields to look in package.json, default ['main']
  • webpackConfig: an object with webpack configuration that contains resolve field
  • mergeAlias: merge strategy for aliases 'extend' or 'replace', defaults to 'extend'
  • mergeModules: merge strategy for modules 'extend' or 'replace', defaults to 'extend'
  • mergeExtensions: merge strategy for extensions 'extend' or 'replace', defaults to 'replace'
  • dontPrefix: bool, if true then ~ prefix wont be enforced on aliases and it will look for exact match
  • logging: 'none' 'fail' 'match' 'all'
  • onResolve: function that will be called on each successful resolve, receives id, base, resolvedPath, if it returns a string then it will replace resolved path.
  • onFail: function that will be called on each failed resolve, receives id, base, if it returns a string then it will replace resolved path.