
PostCSS plugin to reference ancestor selectors

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssNestedSelectors from '';


PostCSS Nested Selectors

Build Status codecov

Note: This is a fork of postcss-nested-ancestors.

PostCSS plugin to reference any ancestor selector in nested CSS.

Getting ancestor selectors

When writing modular nested CSS, & current parent selector is often not enough.

PostCSS Nested Selectors introduces ^& selector which let you reference any parent ancestor selector with an easy and customizable interface.

This plugin should be used before a POSTCSS rules unwrapper like postcss-nested.

See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.

Ancestor selectors schema

    .level-1 {
|   |   .level-2 {
|   |   |   .level-3 {
|   |   |   |   .level-4 {
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   --- & {}        /*      & = ".level-1 .level-2 .level-3 .level-4" */
|   |   |   ------- ^& {}       /*     ^& = ".level-1 .level-2 .level-3"          */
|   |   ----------- ^^& {}      /*    ^^& = ".level-1 .level-2"                   */
|   --------------- ^^^& {}     /*   ^^^& = ".level-1"                            */
------------------- ^^^^& {}    /*  ^^^^& = ""                                    */

A real example

/* Without postcss-nested-selectors */
    &:hover {
        > .MyComponent-part {} /* Must manually repeat ".MyComponent" for each child */

/* With postcss-nested-selectors */
    &:hover {
        > ^&-part {} /* Skip ":hover" inheritance here */

/* After postcss-nested-selectors */
.MyComponent {
    &:hover {
        > .MyComponent-part {}

/* After postcss-nested */
.MyComponent {}
.MyComponent-part {}
.MyComponent:hover {}
.MyComponent:hover > .MyComponent-part {} /* No ":hover" inheritance here! */


Currently another plugin - postcss-current-selector - has tried to solve the problem of referencing ancestors selector. It works great, but its approach involves assigning ancestor selectors to special variables to be later processed by a further postcss plugin postcss-simple-vars.

PostCSS Nested Selectors instead replaces special ancestor selectors, makes no use of variable assignment and produces an output ready to be unwrapped with postcss-nested.


$ npm install postcss-nested-selectors


postcss([ require('postcss-nested-selectors') ]);



Type: string Default: ^&

Ancestor selector pattern (utility option to automatically set both levelSymbol and parentSymbol)


Type: string Default: ^

Define ancestor selector fragment reative to the matching nesting level


Type: string Default: &

Ancestor selector base symbol